Traveling Through Time, Mixing & Mingling Amongst The Masses, I Have Discovered That In Changing Spaces Where People Are Different..... People Are The Same With No Indifference (except DNA) Nothing Stays The Same Except Constant Change.... But Everything Is The Samething Rearranged . That kinda rhymed a little bit, and these are {The Rap Tablets}
......In The beginning was the WORD
Main Entry: Rap
1: a sharp blow or knock2 a: a sharp rebuke or criticism b: a negative and often undeserved reputation or charge —often used with bum or bad
That definition is peculiar to me... Let's Move On
Main Entry: Rap
1: talk, conversation ; also : a line of talk : patter
This one suits the situation in "Let me rap to ya" for these are {The Rap Tablets}
and this is the place where i conversate (subject matter tentative & pending on the moment)
World Events, Music (All forms), Day 2 Day Life Stuff, Things That I Find On The Internet (Videos,Pics, & Links) Whatever i want to talk about...anything is possible & the infinite possibility is permanent....I might feel like promoting or plugging whomever i choose, I might feel like re-posting something that somebody else wrote that is of interest to me....and some days i might just rap to ya about time & space, life insights, alive in place, action lights, cameras...and things like that....Welcome To {The Rap Tablets}
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